Wedding Planning
Making your wedding easy & stress free.
You don't need a wedding date to book we help from the start!
8 Weeks full support before the wedding date more in-depth support starts here!
Unlimited emails and messenger support between business hours 8am - 4pm
3 x Face to Face Meets 2/3 Hour Meets*
1 x Vendor discussion meet
Budget Planning ands support
Securing vendors to your dates
Contract reading of vendors contracts and invoicing
Date setting, themes, colors, vendor options prices and deposits
Booking your meets with your vendors
1 x Site Ceremony Visit
1 x Site Reception Visit
Invoicing organization help
Run sheets for all vendors supplied.
Confirmation of vendors
Wet weather options*
For a more in-depth description send us a message today and secure your wedding planner for your special day. Take the stress out of the planning and enjoy the whole process. This package is over 25 hours in support this does include the admin work, behind-the-scenes, research, and unlimited support we will be offering and giving to our clients.
Our planners will use your budget and what you are wanting for your day to secure the vendors within your budget. Our planners at no time will ask another vendor or service to adjust their price but will research to find a vendor within your price range. We value and respect all our vendors we work with who we know will value your special day.
Talk to your planner
Wedding planning for you! Wanting more information on our wedding planning package or want to secure a planner for your special day we would love to hear from you.